Andrews |
$146,794,601.00 |
300 |
Big Spring |
$463,630,767.00 |
501 |
Lamesa |
$64,942,527.00 |
144 |
Midland |
$2,339,010,498.00 |
3,625 |
Odessa |
$1,782,989,014.00 |
2,753 |
Pecos |
$22,771,751.00 |
60 |
San Angelo |
$444,629,638.00 |
1,097 |
Snyder |
$117,245,780.00 |
251 |
Sweetwater |
$132,197,982.00 |
294 |
$5,514,212,558.00 |
9,025 |
There has long been an effort to try and diversify our area economy over the years, to help provide some stability during the ups and downs of our energy based economy. One of the early ideas was to look at capitalizing on our location, as a regional hub for exports and distribution opportunities.
The development of the La Entrada al Pacifico corridor, associated pipelines, and bringing the West Texas Export Assistance office to the Midland-Odessa area have all been critical components of this process.
From 2003 to 2014, the Midland and Odessa Metropolitan Statistical Areas led our nation in the percentage growth of exports from the United States to other countries (1st and 2nd, Brookings Institute). Exports of goods from Midland-Odessa grew from roughly around $400 million to over $4 billion annually during that time.