- The Odessa District is working to address road conditions in the Delaware Basin on roads like US 285 in Reeves County
- Five projects worth about $100 million are planned over the next few years between Pecos and the New Mexico state line on US 285
- Rehabilitation of roads, the addition of passing lanes, intersection improvements, guardrail end treatment, concrete structure repair, crash cushion attenuators, lighting, small and large signs
- Work is also to be done along adjacent roads RM 652 and SH 302 in Loving and Reeves Counties
US 285 Projects
- From RM 652 to CR 232 - 10.8 miles, $12.5 million
- From CR 232 to SH 302 - 10.5 miles, $15 million
- From SH 302 to FM 1216 - 16.8 miles, $33.4 million
- From RM 652 to New Mexico state line - 13.3 miles, $33.5 million
- From RM 652 to CR 232 (phase II) - 10.8 miles, $8.5 million
SH 302 Projects
- From US 285 to 0.2 miles east if East FM 1933 - 5.6 miles, $12.5 million
- From Loving County Line to SH 115 - 12.87 miles, $20.6 million
- From FM 1933 to Winkler County Line - 17.2 miles, $27.5 million
- From CR 313 in Winkler County to Ector County Line - 16.5 miles, $9 million
- At Black Mountain Sands - 3-4 miles, $2 million
RM 652 Projects
- RM 652 Bridge Replacement at Salt Creek - $3.8 million
- From US 285 to Pecos River - 5.6 miles, $5.98 million
- From Pecos River to New Mexico state line - 11.3 miles, $17 million
- From US 285 to Culberson County line - 7.8 miles, $9.75 million
US 285 Projects
US 285: from RM 652 to CR 232
This $12.5 million project stretches from RM 652 to CR 232 and has already started construction. It is scheduled to be completed in Spring 2019. The work will rehabilitate 10.8 miles of road. It also installed a four-way stop condition at the intersection of RM 652 in Orla. Constructors Inc. of Carlsbad, N.M., won the project with a low bid of $12,525,496.
- Rehabilitate/rebuild existing road
- Project limits: RM 652 (Orla) to CR 232
- Project includes: culvert replacements, signs, pavement markings, a few passing lanes
- Length: 10.8 miles
- Bid price: $12.5 million
- Construction completion estimate: early 2019
US 285: from CR 232 to SH 302
Construction has begun on this $15 million project, which goes from CR 232 to SH 302. The project will add passing lanes and rehabilitate US 285. The project spans about 10.5 miles. The project started in December 2017 and is scheduled to take 19 months to be completed. FNF Construction of Tempe, Ariz., won the project with a low bid of $15,005,109.23.
- Rehabilitate/rebuild existing road
- Project limits: RM 652 (Orla) to CR 232
- Project includes: Culvert replacements, signs, pavement markings, a few passing lanes
- Length: 10.5 miles
- Bid price: $15 million
- Construction completion estimate: early 2019
US 285: From SH 302 to FM 1216
Scheduled to have a bid opening in May 2018, this project, which goes from SH 302 to FM 1216, has an estimated cost of $33.4 million.
- Widening to a Super 2 (alternating passing lanes)
- Project limits: SH 302 to FM 1216
- Length: 16.8 Miles
- Project scope: widen roadway, structure widening, bridge rail, signs, pavement markings
- Project goals: manage queues behind slow-moving trucks along US 285 by adding capacity
- Begin construction Summer 2018
- Anticipated construction timeline still being determined
- Current construction estimate: $33.4 million
US 285: from RM 652 to New Mexico Line
Scheduled to have a bid opening in April 2018, this project, which goes from RM 652 to the New Mexico state line, has an estimated cost of $33.5 million.
- Widening to a Super 2 (alternating passing lanes)
- Project limits: New Mexico State Line to RM 652
- Length: 13.3 Miles
- Project scope: add passing lanes, structure widening, bridge rail, signs, pavement markings
- Project goals: manage queues behind slow-moving trucks along US 285 by adding capacity
- Begin construction Summer 2018
- Anticipated construction timeline still being determined
- Current construction estimate: $33.5 million
US 285: From RM 652 to CR 232
Scheduled to have a bid opening in July 2019, this project, which goes from RM 652 to CR 232, has an estimated cost of $8.5 million and would add more passing lanes and intersection improvements over a 10.8-mile stretch.
SH 302 Projects
SH 302: from US 285 to 0.2 miles east of East FM 1933 (US 285 to Mentone)
Construction will begin this summer on this $12.5 million project, which goes from US 285 to just east of East FM 1933. The project spans about 5.6 miles. The project is scheduled to take 15 months to be completed. Jones Brothers Dirt & Paving of Odessa won the project with a low bid of $12,502,318.48.
- Add passing lanes and rebuild existing road
- Project limits: SH 285 to near East FM 1933
- Project includes: culvert replacements, signs, pavement markings
- Length: 5.6 miles
- Bid price: $12.5 million
- Construction timeline still being developed
Upcoming 302 Projects
- A Winkler County project from Loving County line to SH 115 opens bids in November 2019 at $20.6 million for roadway rehabilitation of 12.87 miles.
- A Loving County project from FM 1933 to Winkler County line opens bids in September 2020 at $27.5 million for roadway rehabilitation of 17.2 miles.
- A project from County Road 313 in Winkler County to the Ector County Line opens bids in August 2021 at $9 million for lengthening existing passing lanes of 16.5 miles.
- A project to widen SH 302 to 4 lanes with a center turn lane adjacent to Black Mountain Sand facility at $2 million to be determined by ownership.
RM 652 Projects
RM 652 Bridge Replacement at Salt Creek
This project is being done by Lesna Construction Inc., on a bid price of $3,793,865. Completion is expected by June 2018.
RM 652: from US 285 to Pecos River
Construction is nearly 40 percent complete on this project, which goes from US 285 to the Pecos River. The project spans about 5.6 miles. Constructors Inc. of Carlsbad, NM is the contractor.
- Rebuild existing road
- Project limits: US 285 to Pecos River
- Project includes: culvert replacements, signs, pavement markings
- Length: 5.6 miles
- Bid price: $5.98 million
- Completion expected by September
- Upcoming RM 652 Projects
- A Loving County project from the Pecos River to the New Mexico state line in June 2018 at $17 million for roadway rehabilitation of 11.3 miles.
- A Reeves County project from US 285 to the Culberson County line in February 2020 at $9.75 million for roadway rehabilitation of 7.8 miles.